INTERMISSION – Open (Closed) Studio

6th & 7th June 2020

Turtlelab Berlin

with contributions by Jeremiah Day, Yuki Jungesblut, Mira Safura O’Brien, Sharon Paz

The five windows of Turtlelab – From left to right: Sharon Paz, The Mouse, Yuki Jungesblut, Jeremiah Day, Mira O’Brien

Open Studio Corona Edition: As part of Artspring Open Studios 2020 Turtlelab Berlin brings you this open studio in a format that has been adapted to these peculiar times of transition. Playing with the idea of the window and the „inside/outside“ we will be projecting some simple videos onto our studio windows this Saturday evening, essentially turning the inside out for when at the same time the actual inside remains hidden from the public’s eye. Come by and have a look!

Impressions of the Event: